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Squamish Arts artist study Hundertwasser (1)

Artist Studies – Acrylic Painting and Multi Media


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Wed, June 28 @ 9:00AM - 12:00PM
1 session
(3 hours / session)

Spend some time in my studio learning about different artists and studying their technique by creating you own painting in the style of their work. New artist each week! BYO sketchbook for planning.

This class will study artist Hundertwasser.


squamish arts art school intro to relief printmaking olivia rinne headshot 800x800 1

Olivia Rinne

Liv is a local Squamish resident who loves playing in the mountains. Liv practices a variety of multimedia work at her studio downtown and loves to take on new projects that engage the community and promotes the recycling of old materials!


37776 2nd Ave Unit 204


37776 2nd Ave
Squamish, BC V8B 0K1 Canada
