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Board Of Directors Application

Thank you for your interest in serving on the Board of Directors for the Squamish Arts Council.

In order to assist our Board Development Committee in knowing you better, please read the BOARD MEMBER’S CODE OF CONDUCT and the BOARD OF DIRECTORS TERMS OF REFERENCE then fill out the BOARD OF DIRECTORS APPLICATION form found by clicking the buttons below. Please submit the application to info@squamishartscouncil.com by Friday, 10th of July, 2020. Please note that the Squamish Arts Council has limited space available on the Board, and Directors are selected according to the expertise required to fulfill its strategic plan.

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Please read all instructions and guidelines before completing the form. The guidelines can be downloaded above or here. Funding is available to groups, organizations, and individuals with arts and culture projects comparable to the goals and mandate of Squamish Arts (SA), occurring between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022. Please note that your application is subject to DOS approval as-well as SAC's.

No submissions will be accepted after November 12th, 2021.

***IMPORTANT: This online form does not save. We recommend assembling your submission and only entering your final draft into the form.


Applying as an...
Project Contact
If applying as a group: Are you a registered charitable organization or society with BC societies?
Has your organization received funding from the SA Community Arts & Culture Enhancement Grant in past years?
If yes, has the Final Project Report(s) been submitted to SA?