Project Title *
Project Estimated Start Date *
Project Estimated End Date *
Describe the project in one sentence
Describe the project in more detail *
How does your project maximize positive impact for local artists and raise the profile of the local arts and culture sector? *
Describe you/your organization's capacity and plan to successfully realize this project. *
Describe your project's audience. Breakout your answer above as to how many and how you will serve/benefit them through this project. *
If your project involves a diverse representation of the community’s vulnerable, marginalized, or underrepresented communities, please specify the concrete steps you’re taking towards including and reaching this audience. *
Is your project free to attend and open to the general public? If not, explain why you need this grant funding and how you will make this a low barrier and accessible project. *
Briefly describe or give an example of how this project meets one or more of the DOS goals and objectives. *
Briefly describe or give an example of how this project aligns with the SA mandate, mission, and program objectives. *
Explain how this project will address community needs, enhance the community through arts/culture/heritage, and strengthen community interaction and engagement with arts and culture . *
What are some objective measures of success for the project (for example, pieces of art produced, shows played, tickets sold, reach per dollar requested)? Please list the measures, and targets you feel are achievable and representative of success. *
INDIVIDUAL: Describe your affiliation with other local or provincial groups or associations, if any. *
GROUP: Would you consider yourself a local arts/culture organization? If yes, explain your affiliation and impact on the local arts sector. If no, explain why you would like to apply to the Arts & Culture Grant Program. *
GROUP: How does your project reflect your organization’s mission/vision/strategic priorities and objectives? *
How much funding are you requesting from the SA Community Arts & Culture Enhancement Grant for your project? * *
Rarely do projects receive full funding. How will you carry out your project without full funding? *
Have you received funding from this grant before? If so, what steps are you taking to find alternative funding sources?