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Squamish Arts Oil Painting Class (1)

Oil Painting: The Next Step

Sep 19, 26, Oct 3, 10, 17, 24. 31, Nov 7 @ 5:15PM - 8:15PM
8 sessions
(3 hours each / session)

This class is designed to elevate your skills and deepen your understanding of oil painting, a timeless medium. You will learn age-old techniques and secrets passed down through generations of artists, with a focus on the fundamental principles of successful painting through a hands-on approach.

Over the course of eight weeks, you will work on drawing and value exercises to create a painting using the grisaille technique, inspired by a copy of an old master (which will be revealed during the class). Through guided exercises, you will gain a deeper understanding of oil painting techniques, improve your skills, build confidence, and take home new pieces to decorate your space.

Experience Level:
Recommended for those who have taken Oil Painting for Beginners or as a refresher for those who’ve worked in some capacity with oil paints before. You don’t need to be an expert painter to take this course.

All supplies are provided!


Squamish Arts Elena Senatorova

Elena Senatorova

Elena Senatorova is a West Vancouver visual artist who works in classical realism/impressionism. Her work covers many subjects from landscapes to human & animal portraits. She received her education through numerous Ateliers, Workshops & personal trainings, among them are Angels Academy of Arts in Florence & Art Academy of Repin in St. Petersburg. She is the active member of the Federation of Canadian Artists & Oil Painters of America. Elena has sold her paintings to numerous collectors from around the world. As an instructor Elena is passionate to teach the fundamental tools which will set the student on the exciting path of creation.


The 55 Activity Centre


1201 Village Green Way Squamish
Squamish, BC V8B 0N6 Canada


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Oil Painting Level 2
Over the course of eight weeks, you will work on drawing and value exercises to create a painting using the grisaille technique, inspired by a copy of an old master
$ 300.00
8 available